Make marketing FUN, easier, and remarkably successful!


FUN-damental Marketing Mastermind

For Coaches & Service Providers

Book more sales calls without overthinking your strategy and messaging.

This is the ultimate support to figure out exactly WHAT TO SAY so that your service is

  • Understood

  • Memorable

  • Desirable 

    By your ideal audience.

FUN-damental Marketing Mastermind

is for Coaches, Consultants, & Service Providers who are ready for $20-30K months, and want expert support to create a marketing strategy that aligns with your unique situation and enables you to write content that lands sales while having more FUN in the process.

(Because as you know by now, it is a never-ending process. Why not ENJOY it?)

No more dreading “the marketing part” of your business, agonizing over what to write, wondering if it’s “good enough”, or being stifled by a fickle creative flow.

You are brilliant at what you do in your business, but somehow you feel stuck when writing your content.
Sometimes you feel like you’re not cut out for this part of your business, or that you are nailing it one week, but then completely burned out with it the next week.

Maybe you are...

  • Sick of staring at a blank page, wishing you knew what to write

  • Posting a lot, but it’s not converting to sales

  • Showing up inconsistently, and missing out on the volume of sales that you could have if you stay top-of-mind with your readers

  • Wanting to show up in a NON-sales-y way, but not sure how

  • Not sure how to position yourself as the expert that people need

  • Great at writing other things, but freeze up like Elsa’s Arendelle when it’s time to write your copy

  • Searching for an easier, repeatable system that you can rinse and repeat so that you don’t have to spend so much time on your marketing

And as a result, you aren’t making the income you want or you feel like you spend more time marketing your biz than actually performing the service you provide.

Fun Marketing Strategies that Sell

There’s a better way to do marketing than to throw spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks.

And when you follow the writing system that I use, you’ll be armed with months--actually YEARS-- worth of powerful copy and content ideas that will make selling your offer a cinch.

After 6 months in this intimate mastermind experience, you’ll walk away with:

  • Healing from writing blocks that have been holding you back

  • Strategies to write with ease & flow

  • Creativity boosters

  • Prewriting system for a profitable foundation

  • Psychology-driven writing methods to land more sales

  • Templates for faster results

  • Content calendars so you show up consistently

  • Weekly group calls with Coach Jen and your cohort

  • Community with other amazing female entrepreneurs for a safe place to HEAL your blocks, get feedback, and grow as a writer and leader in your field.

This mastermind will have your writing flowing like a river even if:

-You’ve always struggled with writing in the past

-You have no idea what to say to sell your offer

-You dislike sales or anything sales-y

If you want to save time writing your copy and increase your sales, from a place of FUN then this program is going to bless your life and your business.

What Clients Are Saying

  • “Jen is intuitive, responsive, and fun to work with, and her copy drives conversions. We are blessed to work with her.”

    Jodi Anderson, Marketing Agency CEO

  • “She’ll give you confidence and clarity in your message so you can powerfully communicate your work: priceless! "

    Renita, Life Coach

  • "I've made more progress in 1 week than I have in the past 6 months! I'm so happy!

    Amanda, Copywriter

Of course, you can always learn copywriting techniques from books, videos, and other courses. And that may catapult you onto the next level in your business.

But it’s likely that you’ll still be dragged down by analysis paralysis, imposter syndrome, and fear of failure (or fear of success!)

And you’ll be missing out on sales, and leaving money on the table.

So you have three choices:

1. Keep struggling over your keyboard and trying to figure it out on your own (this could cost you months or years of lost time and revenue) and will, unfortunately, lead to BURNOUT.

2. Hire a professional copywriter (A GOOD one will cost you around $2-5K for a website, $2k-10K for a sales page, $1-2K for an email sequence...and you’re at the mercy of THEIR timetable).

3. Spend 6 months with me, and

-Learn how to confidently tell your story and show up authentically
-Find your unique Play Personality and infuse that into your biz, so you have FUN every day

-Discover all the techniques I use to write killer copy for 7-figure entrepreneurs

-Develop a simple system for creating your copy that has you popping into your signature client’s newsfeed or inbox with delightful dependability.

What’s Inside the Mastermind?

Weekly group coaching sessions with me to get clarity on any your messaging and next steps for hitting your goals

Phase 1: FUN

-Discover your Play Personality and how to play even when you’re working
-Healing your writing blocks and mindset

-Tapping into your authentic truth and story

-Creativity Boosters

Phase 2: Clarity that Creates Cashflow

·Bettering your Offer so that it’s irresistible

·Prewriting system for a profitable foundation

·Psychology-driven strategies and techniques for conversion copywriting

·Templates & Frameworks for better (and faster!) results

Phase 3: Consistency

·Content Calendars, to stay top-of-mind

·Easy Emails, so you can reach your leads without social media

·How to sell by chat

·Ongoing group coaching from Coach Jen to refine your skills


One emergency 1:1 call with Coach Jen anytime within the 6 months to audit your situation and provide specific suggestions for strengthening your strategy and messaging.


Use my “BREEZE” Marketing Method to create your unique path to make scaling to multi-six-figures FUN!

Hi! I’m Jen!

I’m a Fun-Focused Marketing Strategist for Coaches and Service Providers.

After spending the past 3 years working behind the scenes on 7-figure campaigns, I know how to make marketing simple, fun, and successful.

My calling in this season of life is to support women entrepreneurs to market their businesses so

that they can shine in their area of expertise, and not burn out in the process. I'll help you SHOW UP TALL to generate more sales and create a business that you LOVE. 

I’m also a homeschooling mom of 2, a pastor’s wife, and someone who has learned how to balance doing “all the things” while managing an autoimmune condition that freaks out on me when I get too stressed. So I’m here to tell you, if I can do it, you can too!

Especially if we do it together!  

Choose Your Party

*Installment plans available

Tier 1


Mastermind + Voxer Support + bi-weekly calls with Jen


Tier 2


Mastermind +
Voxer Support

Tier 3


6-month Mastermind

Let Me Be Your


You are the driver in your biz. And you’re ready for a co-pilot who can hold the map and quickly explain all the routes available to you. Because sometimes you want the fastest route, but other times you need the path that isn’t going to make you car sick, right?

So think of me as your snack delivering, coffee passing, music playing map-holder. I’ll show you exactly what lane to get in, to make your journey fun and successful.

If you’ve tried getting support for your marketing in the past, and it didn’t work out—or it didn’t sound like YOU—it’s time to make YOUR VOICE heard!

I’ll help you courageously let the REAL YOU shine through.
Your quirks, foibles, and diversity are exactly what your audience is looking for—so let’s let our hair down and SHOW UP authentically. I’ll guide you every step of the way.

Let’s Fire Up Your Marketing FUN-damentals!